We are currently contacting patients who received the COVID-19 vaccine at FCHS, to schedule boosters for those that meet the CDC requirements. If we haven't yet contacted you, and you meet the following CDC criteria and would like to schedule your booster, please call (402) 947-2541 to schedule.
Public Health Solutions, the health distict that encompasses Saline, Thayer, Jefferson, Fillmore, and Gage counties, has recently announced that anyone 18 years old and older is eligible to register for a vaccine appointment. If you are interested in registering for a vaccine apointment, you may do so through the state registration website: vaccinat.ne.gov. You will be contacted shortly after filling out the website's form about your appointment.
We are still administering COVID-19 vaccines here at FCHS as well, though we are only allocated a set number of vaccines per week. If you are interested in receiving your COVID-19 vaccine at FCHS, you should us at 402-947-2541 to be placed on our list.
More information on the COVID-19 vaccine in general can be found below.
National COVID-19 Vaccine Information