
The average person sees over 18 different care providers throughout their life. Each provider has their own system to document patient health information and past treatment. In order to keep track of changes that occur overtime, providers often ask about medical history, medication information,  allergies, etc. at each visit.  Fortunately, there is now a way to bypass all of that at FCHS, with our new partnership with CommonWell Health Alliance. When you enroll for free in CommonWell, your information is saved in a secure database for any provider who uses CommonWell to access. Instead of filling out more forms and answering the same questions at your next doctor’s visit, your provider can pull up your medical information themeselves, and skip that step for both of you. As long as your provider is a CommonWell user, they can access your information no matter what facility their at, making a hospital transfer or emergency room visit easier, faster and safer.

To enroll in CommonWell, just ask your provider or our receptionist at your next visit!

More information about CommonWell can be found in the buttons below: